Fluttercon talks about Flutter on Embedded

Jun 22, 2023

Hannes Winkler

Editor Team

So, are you attending Fluttercon?

To those who are interested in Flutter on embedded here are the most interesting talks we saw on the agenda.

Mastering IoT-Flutter Integration: A Journey Through DiY Smart Device Case Studies

Alex seems to have a very interesting talk about some IoT flutter use cases, and he also mentioned something about running flutter on a Raspberry pi. I think this is going to be a very interesting talk and I am looking forward to it.


Comparing ways of accessing native functionality

Sometimes you just need to use that native C library that already works on your embedded device and you really don't feel like rewriting it in dart... Well, that’s what ffi is for or, even better, ffigen. Lucas has a talk on how to auto generate bindings to native code.


Supercharging Your Flutter Apps with Rust

Flutter & Rust is also a combo relevant for embedded, with the speaker working at a company that is working on smart grid solutions. I can only image the talk to be interesting.


Implementation of an IPTV Client on SmartTVs – Flutter and Samsung Tizen

Flutter tizen, do I need to say more? This talk is about flutter on smart TVs, definitely interesting with regards to flutter on embedded. If you are attending Fluttercon, please sit in the front seats!


Making Coffee with Flutter

And of course it will be very interesting to see "Flutter running on a Raspberry Pi, using embedded Linux and flutter-embedded-linux (https://github.com/sony/flutter-embedded-linux) with the original Raspberry-Pi Touchscreen to control a modified Illy Francis X1 (old Italian coffee machine) to brew some excellent coffee." (This talk was missing in the first version of this post - edited by Admin)


Also, me and my colleagues will be at Fluttercon to show a few demos with Flutter running on various embedded boards in the exhibition area. Watch out for our table!

See you in Berlin!

3 comments on "Fluttercon talks about Flutter on Embedded"


Jun 28, 2023, 1:13 PM

You actually forgot "Making coffee with flutter", which seems to give some insights on the sony embedder. Are they going to make the talks available via Youtube or something like that, for those (like me) who won'T be able to attend?


Jun 29, 2023, 1:39 PM

You are absolutely right! Thanks for noticing! We'll still add that. Not sure about the video recordings. That would be a question to ask to the organisers of Fluttercon directly.


Jul 11, 2023, 3:41 PM

Or just look into the faq: https://fluttercon.dev/faqs/ : Will sessions be recorded? Yes, all sessions will be recorded and later published on our website at www.droidcon.com. It seems they have a ~2month delay for these recordings, though.

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